The Surgeon and the Security Guard

Character Development Project | 2023

Two characters from a personal project. The prompts that inspired them were provided as part of Kellan Jett’s Visual Development class and then developed further to give them more specificity and back story.

The Surgeon

A potential malpractice lawsuit looms large in their psyche. Is in debt due to a fin-dom relationship. Is evil. After being taken over by mind control spores from an ancient aquatic life form, the surgeon puts his skills to serve his new master and begins harvesting organs from the sea creatures of a nearby aquarium before offering up his own organs.

The Security Guard

She works as a security guard for the local “Blowfin’s Aquadome” aquarium and waterpark. Was bullied as a kid. Is a little too talkative, holds the door for people a little too often and a little two long. Takes her duties very seriously when the slightest situation arises. Takes pride in bringing her own tactical vest to the job.

Aesthetic Exploration: CARS

A selection of illustrations exploring “Cars” as the main subject. The goal was to explore a new style and visual idea in each image while prioritising speed. Most of these are created within 10 mins - 1 hour timeframe. This project was created during Kellan Jett’s Visual Development class and makes for a really fun and challenging exercise.

Aesthetic Exploration: TREES+

Part 2 of the aesthetic exploration project. The theme of this assignment was to create images with “Trees” PLUS another element.