The Freudian OBJECT

Designer Toy Project | Hand sculpted and cast in resin with airbrushed finish | 2013

“The psychoanalyst, like the archaeologist, must uncover layer after layer of the patient’s psyche, before coming to the deepest, most valuable treasures.”
— Sigmund Freud

The Freudian OBJECT is a sculptural toy design project consisting of three figures. Each toy was hand sculpted and cast in resin and a small run of prototypes where created including bespoke packaging. Each character is an embodiment of the concepts and theories of Sigmund Freud; The Castration Complex, The Uncanny and The Primary Narcissist. The toys are physical artefacts of the unconscious, a reflection of Freud’s fascination with archaeology and mythology.

The toys are packaged in simple cardboard with a printed sleeve and uniquely numbered edition card.

The Freudian Object was exhibited in Dublin Castle and the National Craft Gallery in Kilkenny at ‘Fresh Talent’ a design exhibition curated by Angela O'Kelly as part of Irish Design 2015.